I'm still wondering what happened to the rule that you can't use any derivative form of the same word in the definition. Did I make that up? Did my third-grade teacher make that up? If it's not a rule, why isn't it?

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That bothered me about all 3 definitions but couldn't place why. My first reaction was "well that's BARELY helpful."

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Not sure, I'll look it up and post here with my findings after work.

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Here are the 2 best links I could find on the subject of a derivative form of a word being used to define itself. But both lack exactitude.



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I Kinda think kindness akin to kindergarten. K.I.S.S. Principle applies says K Principal:

Look it up neigh not

'Cause their ain't allot

Rules to parsing

U gotta be sparsing

Diversify spellink

Or strait to Hellink

It's a Wrave Nu Borld

Grammar been hurled.

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I likee that perspective Dale, thank you! As always, love the poetry. It took me a couple read-throughs before brave new world finally clicked. Lol @ Antila!

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This was so much fun. I shall accompany you on your word journey. James A. Michener was quite prolific with his vocabulary. I love his writing specifically for that reason; using words no longer found in our daily rhetoric of existence

I also must admit that I want to spiritually evolve but that I’d like to smack a few people. ( I have a long list) 😉

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Yay, I'm happy you enjoyed it Donna and welcome to my corner of the web. I looked through a bibliography of James A. Michener and wow he wrote a ton of books. Thanks for a new name to look out for at the estate sales.

That meme embodies the dichotomy of the 2 different interpretations of KTAWK really well, and is a daily struggle. Remember to kill them all with kindness, because the other ways are illegal. ;-)

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I find MANY of his books at estate sales, flea markets, thrift stores. And though illegal, you only go to jail if you get caught. Just sayin’

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If there's no witnesses or conflicting stories, it'll prolly be legal enough, jussayn...

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Probably a safe bet that banned and out of favor books with get a carbon pollution waiver in the future if they are bought only to be used as fuel for your fire place.

An allowance these Fokkers

Will make for stokers

For turning books into ash

You'll be awarded the sash

Of Good Citoyen Woker.

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