Good News everyone! I've invented a telescope for olfactory observation. Who wants to sniff Uranus? Oh wait, that was/will be Professor Farnsworth. My bad. But, like, for real and stuff, I have good news. I own a working laptop and can start learning to use the publishing features that don't work on mobile. (This news is intended for entertainment purposes only. In no way, shape, or form, does this state/imply/allude to any promise of quality improvement. In fact you should expect everything to get worse/stranger/obtuser/zanier/illogicaler.)
Stolen from
.I love underused words.
I think this cat is blitzed on dat ‘nip, yo! Look at those pupils.
Active types:
Come on, we are almost there. Right after these stairs.
The stairs:
I like how the dude being walking by gambling has lost his shirt, pants AND shoes.
I love cast iron, it makes the best eggs. Protip: if you are vegetarian and are sick of spinach, cook your food in cast iron and you will get the extra iron from a non-meat source.
Oh crap I can smell British authorities at the door now. A strange combination of donuts and black tea.
This is my total traffic since I started writing on Substack. The far right was the results of posting Non Sequitur Memes 1 and 2.
Thanks for all you meme lovers out there that helped KTAWK set a record!
The stupid yellow bar at the top of the screen says I can’t squeeze anymore memes so its time to call it for this edition of NSM.
Very good. I like!
Good ones! I too, saw enormous growth when I posted my first memes, so...I just stuck with it. Good job man! DoG approved..