And there are the dark arts, modern day magic like Quantitative Easing and White House press briefs. They seem to compel the suspension of disbelief...to our peril. And the showmanship, the stage presence, just isn't up to snuff. My favorite magic would be my Uncle Don pulling a quarter out of my ear and letting me keep it, or turning a Dachshund into a land shark with a strap-on fin.

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Those dark arts you mention are examples of magic used for negative intent. Money is a physical representation, a symbol of work done and its energy/output. When they print money out of thin air, they devalue the work of everyone that relies on the good faith put into that money as a means of exchange of worth. They are stealing from everyone that has even 1 penny in that currency. Plus there is the aspect of money that it only holds any value due to belief in it doing so. This is a form of magic also. All spoken words have magic attached to them, as your 2nd example shows darkly. Your Uncle was a stage magician too, his stage was right in front of you. A pleasure Dale, /bow.

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Some elite notables met on Jekyll Island, Georgia in secret in 1910 to lay out a new banking plan for the nation. In 1913 that plan was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson. It established the Federal Reserve Bank. In 1944 44 Allied nations established the Bretton Woods system which pegged the value of the USD to 1 ounce of gold @ $35 and guaranteed that member nations could convert their currencies fairly to the US dollar at that rate. In 1971 the US went off the gold standard "temporarily", but for such a long time that Bretton Wood went belly up in 1976. We have had a fiat currency since 1971. Ask Humpty Dumpty what "fiat currency" means. We trust the Federal Reserve to always do the right thing but they are beholden to no one but themselves. What could go wrong?

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Good summery. That's why some call them inflatobux. That 1910 meeting is also connected to the sinking of the Titanic/Olympic. All the biggest/richest opponents to the Federal Reserve were on that fateful voyage. Weird how JP Morgan canceled at the last minute...

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What I'm dreaming of is a worldwide mind/heart shift to "Heaven on Earth" with each participant thrilled to engage in a fun and loving way. Could this be magic?

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Love your last paragraph! Yes to creating our realities intentionally and collectively.

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Thank you Tereza! It feels like much of what I wrote in this post was to get to being able to write that paragraph.

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And that's just what I'm writing about now, to post tomorrow, so I'm happy for that little magical bump ;-)

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Yep, that was paid AI. Dall-E/Chat GPT

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Cool, thank you Christopher. And thanks for having such colorful mage scrolls just lying around for anyone to download.

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AI doesn't always get it right, but it often does, and sometimes mind-blowingly so.

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